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OK lets's look at some samples!
Click on a link below to view some of my complaint letters. Each one contains a brief explanation of what led up to the letter, and what the outcome was.

I hope to be able to add more as the site develops, so please come back later and review the site to see what's new.

Favourite Letters
To the Council, on cutting down trees This is the one that started it all.
To the tyre / exhaust company I just became fed up with continual errors and problems and I cracked...
To the home furniture company Not so successful but fun!!
To the telephone company This was a fairly minor irritation but still fun!
Letters to Computer Company The most difficult challenge so far! A long-lasting saga... this is the first bit...
More Computer Company Letters The Saga Continues...
Even more Computer Company Letters And on and on...
Yet More Computer Company Letters and on and on and on...
Then the Visits to the Computer Store And this finally sorted it all out!
Car Insurance And a plea for No Claims Discount
To the Car Insurance Company Some companies never learn, apparently.
Car Parking Problems And an Ode to Illegal Parkers
Holiday Cock-up A nice relaxing holiday to get away from it all...
Useless Airline--> Not very easy at all...
Council Parking Proposals and an attempt to push it through against the rules
Gas Supply Company A client letter
Letter to Council an Illegal Road Sign blocking the view at a junction
Letter to Superstotr Started as a complaint about yoofs loitering...
Letter to Council (yes, again!) Somebody complained about me to the Council……
Letter to School The schools said my daughter was a thief...